Friday, September 02, 2005
It seems my prior post
struck a never with a foul-mouthed liberal lacking the intestinal fortitude to identify himself.
He calls me a "Republican heartless bastard" presumably because I support our President who has spent "billions on Iraq" but want to discuss whether and to what degree we should rebuild New Orleans.
He then suggests I relocate to Iraq.
Let's take this point by point. "Republican heartless bastard?" Well, I dunno about Mr. Anonymous, but I live in one of the most Republican states in the union, Texas.
We have opened up our public facilities, our schools, and even our homes to help our neighbors. Churches, businesses and civic groups around the state are opening their doors and pocketbooks to help our neighbors.
As for my family, well, I've given up my lunches for the next month and have donated that part of our budget (not "fast food lunches" but "bring from home lunches") to Feed the Children. This weekend, my wife and I are taking a day away from each other and away from our four children (who desperately need some mom and dad time now that both Amy and I are working) in order to volunteer in relief efforts. My older children are brainstorming ways they can help, too.
But I'm a heartless Republican, so that stuff doesn't count, right? Maybe I should be like Robert Kennedy Jr. and try to score cheap political points off the hurricane.
Maybe I should be like some of the moonbats on the Democratic Underground who think the South deserves this for supporting Bush? Think I'm exaggerating?
This guy says he flirted with the idea of starting a campaign to boycott relief efforts and fundraising drives because Louisiana was a "red state" that voted for Bush. In his own words:
A large part of me still believes that many of these W-worshipping numbskulls deserve to suffer and to die. They brought it on themselves. Let them look to Jayzuss for aid: It's time they stopped leeching off the more productive blue staters.He changed his mind when he realized that
The hardest hit were the blue state folk living among the red state maniacs. New Orleans, we should note, went heavily for Kerry.Apparently, he sees no moral problems with this position.
And that's why we must help. Although it was very tempting to say otherwise.
How about this guy: I won't contribute to Katrina. His rationale?
I'm sick of footing the bill for George W. Bush and the rest of his so-called compassionate conservatives. It's been well-documented over the past two days that there were all kinds of warnings about what could happen to New Orleans and that the levees designed to keep out the water were sinking or uncompleted.So, the flooding is George Bush's fault.
Never mind the fact the levee that failed was upgraded just two years ago. It's still Bush's fault.
Heck, he probably passed a law requiring people to live in a flood plain. He probably manipulated leaders over the past 40 years (since Hurricane Betsy) to adopt and maintain a policy of only building flood control levees sufficient to deal with a Category Three Hurricane (Katrina was a Category Four, almost Five).
Or maybe I should just pity people who suggest this is all Bush's fault, or that Republicans are to blame for Katrina.
They obviously have a lot more problems than Katrina's victims will ever face.