Thursday, September 01, 2005
Hastert makes some sense
but it won't matter. People will insist on rebuilding New Orleans even if it doesn't make much economic sense.
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Harsh words from one who doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to identify himself.
Oh, and please watch the language. This is a family-friendly blog.
Oh, and please watch the language. This is a family-friendly blog.
We are worst than liberals. We are libertarians, many who are Republicans. You neo-cons who rejoice at the draining of our treasury to be wasted in Iraq are betraying our country. There are many Republicans who are beginning to question this war and more so now that Americans are dying and suffering here in the USA. If that doesn't put a chill up your neo-con spine, I don't know what will. The President's support from the American people erodes daily. Look at the polls. I dare you to speak about these conservatives who are re-thinking their support of this president. We once supported Bush, but no more.
Polls, schmolls. The same polls showed the same things before the last election, but Bush still won.
Libertarianism IS worse than liberalism in many respects, though. We can agree on that. Libertarianism, in it's purist form, is nothing more than the law of the jungle. I'll pass. I think government does have a role to play in our everyday lives.
As to Iraq -- many thought the same thing in October 1943 when we were bogged down in Italy, the Pacific Theater was a meatgrinder, and American bomber crews were dying by the dozens. That fight was as worthwhile as this one -- but more expensive in terms of money and lives.
You may not believe it worthwhile to try to change the fetid, corrupt world of Middle East politics. That's fine -- but you're wrong, still the same.
Does that mean I am a Republican lackey? Nope -- I just prefer them to the alternative. I'd love to see an electable candidate who will actually cut the rate of government spending, and who would actually do something about our open borders. You obviously aren't one of the regular three readers of this site or you'd know that I have serious disagreements with the Republicans and the President on these issues.
Problem is, there isn't a viable alternative out there. The Libertarian Party is a joke, it's candidates unelectable, and it's platform little more than a reflection of both Left and Right-wing extremism. I'll pass, thanks.
Libertarianism IS worse than liberalism in many respects, though. We can agree on that. Libertarianism, in it's purist form, is nothing more than the law of the jungle. I'll pass. I think government does have a role to play in our everyday lives.
As to Iraq -- many thought the same thing in October 1943 when we were bogged down in Italy, the Pacific Theater was a meatgrinder, and American bomber crews were dying by the dozens. That fight was as worthwhile as this one -- but more expensive in terms of money and lives.
You may not believe it worthwhile to try to change the fetid, corrupt world of Middle East politics. That's fine -- but you're wrong, still the same.
Does that mean I am a Republican lackey? Nope -- I just prefer them to the alternative. I'd love to see an electable candidate who will actually cut the rate of government spending, and who would actually do something about our open borders. You obviously aren't one of the regular three readers of this site or you'd know that I have serious disagreements with the Republicans and the President on these issues.
Problem is, there isn't a viable alternative out there. The Libertarian Party is a joke, it's candidates unelectable, and it's platform little more than a reflection of both Left and Right-wing extremism. I'll pass, thanks.
You are correct about the Libertarian party in some respects. We only have the Republican and Democratic parties as a choice and that's a shame. On Iraq, you are dead wrong. We are basically setting up a regime that will be nothing more than a satellite of Iran. The billions sent to Iraq are a waste. It is completely naive to think that we will set up a democracy in Iraq with an occupying army. It wouldn't work in here in America and it won't work in Iraq. Those billions of dollars are needed here. Those National Guard troops are needed here. No terrorist could ever do the damage Katrina has done to the United States. It is just a matter of priorites. This President is wildly off course invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. Never attacked us, never had WMD's . By the way, where is Osama bin Laden? Why haven't we found him. Do you just pin 9/11 on Sadaam and call it a day? Listen, I love my country. I do not love Iraq. You justify this war as though Jesus Christ himself would approve of it. Where would Christ be? Fighting in Iraq or with the people of New Orleans? We both know the answer to that. Please think about that. Sorry about the language in the earlier post.
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