MrSpkr's random thoughts . . .
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Just desserts for Souter . . .
for his recent decision in the Kelo case.
These guys want a hotel to "be built on the land owned by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter. A new ruling by the Supreme Court which was supported by Justice Souter himself itself might allow it. A private developer is seeking to use this ruling to build a hotel on Souter's land.
Hat tip, Drudge.
Podhoretz nails it . . .
on the two schizophrenic Supreme Court decisions handed down yesterday regarding the display of the Ten Commandments.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
The top 100 movie quotes . . .
of all time, as presented by the American Film Institute.
Unsurprisingly, there are few quotes from films in the past ten to fifteen years. Only one film from this century is mentioned (The Two Towers: "My precious").
One wonders whether Hollywood will get the message: good dialogue and a powerful script ARE more important than neverending CGI special effects (yes, I'm talking to YOU, George Lucas).
I doubt it. That would require Hollywood directors to, well, THINK about their releases and actually hire, well, ACTORS and WRITERS instead of esthetically appealing gadflies possessing a dubious intellect a few morals.
Monday, June 20, 2005
No faking female orgasm in scientific research - Yahoo! News
I could comment on this, but I would get in serious trouble.
Friday, June 17, 2005
Happy happy . . .
joy, joy. I got an email this afternoon from my top firm, indicating that they wanted to extend me a job offer. We are going to finalize details over the weekend.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
Now, I'm going to go swim with my family.
I thought these guy were interested in saving animals . . .
but I was wrong. I mean, I guess I misunderstood the whole fuss over animal shelters having to euthanize strays. Apparently, making people THINK they cared about saving animals andin findg them homes is more important than actually, you know, saving them or finding them homes.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
This blog entry appears to be outrage over the Confederate Flag being flown in Missouri at a cemetary containing the graves of former Confederate soldiers. What is more interesting than the knee-jerk liberal reaction, however, is the complete and utter disdain for opposing viewpoints running throughout the commentary section.
You know, after reading this (and other) entries, I can understand why the United Church of Christ (among others, such as the D.O.C., the Presbyterian Church and the United Methodist Church) are struggling with declining membership and difficulty in filling pastoral positions. If the liberal political pablum running throughout this blog is representative of the teachings in the respective seminaries and (more importantly) the underpinnings of many sermons in churches throughout the respective denominations, one can understand why people are leaving these churches.
This is only tangentially about the flag issue, about which reasonable people may differ, and more about the mix of liberal orthodoxy and smug self-righteousness working hand-in-hand to smother dissent and reject, out of hand, opposing or differing views.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Is it me, or does this look really really photoshopped?
I wouldn't put anything past Reuters. The hand and forearm look grossly disproportionate to the face, IMHO.
Things are looking up . . .
What a difference a week makes. I went for my second interview at a Dallas firm (probably the top boutique in their particular field) yesterday. This afternoon, they asked me to travel to Austin to meet with the equity shareholders down there (on the firm's dime). This is feeling very good -- I suspect I will get an offer after the Austin interview (presuming all goes well). This firm is my top choice, so it would be terrific to work there.
In addition, I responded to an ad in a trade magazine earlier this afternoon, and got a very quick response. I am interviewing with that firm tomorrow.
It is very difficult, but I am trying to put this all in God's hands. I know He has a plan for me -- I am just a bit impatient with His timetable.
Thank you all for the frequent prayers for my family and me. Keep them coming -- we can always use them.
Friday, June 10, 2005
An update . . .
Things are looking a little better. Had two interviews this week, one good, one mixed. The good one is with a premier construction law firm here in Dallas and is, quite frankly, my top choice at this time. They are interested enough in me that one of the top partners had me call him last weekend to discuss possibilities. I had lunch with another partner on Wednesday, and am going for a second interview Monday afternoon. I am extremely hopeful this will result in an offer.
The other was largely a bust. The hiring partner only wanted to pay 3/4ths of what I am making now and really was looking for a briefing clerk more than an associate lawyer; however, he indicated that one of his partners could probably help open some doors for me. I'm trying to set up lunch with that guy next week.
The hope, dear readers, is that I will be gainfully employed (at least, as gainfully employed as a lawyer can be) by this time next week.
Amy has had good success in her job hunt, and will be accepting a position with a charter school in Oak Cliff this fall. This is exciting for her as this school was her top choice for employment. I am excited about the opportunities she will have for her professional development.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts in recent weeks. Please keep them up -- they are working.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Heinlein's Child . . .
In the book, Starship Troopers (NOT the crummy movies that share little more with the novel than the title), Robert Heinlein writes of futuristic soldiers wearing suits of armor that grant the user incredible strength, agility and protection. The suits operate on reverse feedback, simply amplifying the wearer's muscular responses.
Sounds like Japan is taking the first steps towards that future.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Public school idiocy again . . .
Substitute teacher Jason Pearce was arrested after a girl reported that he summoned her to his class during a planning period, told her to take off her top, fondled her and took several photographs of the girl in sexual positions. Police found the photos in his backpack.
Shocking, but this gets worse. Apparently, Pearce had been accused of inappropriate behavior towards female students a year before at another school in the same district.
Very frightening. Do you know who is with your kids today?
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Sigh. More bad news
I had been holding out some hope for an interview with a really good firm here in town. My recruiting gal told me today they were passing because they felt my experience was not where they wanted it to be.
Sigh. This is disheartening.
I have a few more options that I will hit tomorrow morning, but if something doesn't happen soon, we are going to lose the house.
Pray for us, friends. We really need it.