Friday, June 10, 2005
An update . . .
Things are looking a little better. Had two interviews this week, one good, one mixed. The good one is with a premier construction law firm here in Dallas and is, quite frankly, my top choice at this time. They are interested enough in me that one of the top partners had me call him last weekend to discuss possibilities. I had lunch with another partner on Wednesday, and am going for a second interview Monday afternoon. I am extremely hopeful this will result in an offer.
The other was largely a bust. The hiring partner only wanted to pay 3/4ths of what I am making now and really was looking for a briefing clerk more than an associate lawyer; however, he indicated that one of his partners could probably help open some doors for me. I'm trying to set up lunch with that guy next week.
The hope, dear readers, is that I will be gainfully employed (at least, as gainfully employed as a lawyer can be) by this time next week.
Amy has had good success in her job hunt, and will be accepting a position with a charter school in Oak Cliff this fall. This is exciting for her as this school was her top choice for employment. I am excited about the opportunities she will have for her professional development.
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts in recent weeks. Please keep them up -- they are working.