Wednesday, June 15, 2005
This blog entry appears to be outrage over the Confederate Flag being flown in Missouri at a cemetary containing the graves of former Confederate soldiers. What is more interesting than the knee-jerk liberal reaction, however, is the complete and utter disdain for opposing viewpoints running throughout the commentary section.
You know, after reading this (and other) entries, I can understand why the United Church of Christ (among others, such as the D.O.C., the Presbyterian Church and the United Methodist Church) are struggling with declining membership and difficulty in filling pastoral positions. If the liberal political pablum running throughout this blog is representative of the teachings in the respective seminaries and (more importantly) the underpinnings of many sermons in churches throughout the respective denominations, one can understand why people are leaving these churches.
This is only tangentially about the flag issue, about which reasonable people may differ, and more about the mix of liberal orthodoxy and smug self-righteousness working hand-in-hand to smother dissent and reject, out of hand, opposing or differing views.