Monday, March 26, 2007
A savvy political move . . .
that could set Obama apart from other black Presidential candidates such as Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.
What could that be? Simply this: the demand for an investigation of possible civil rights violations by a Democrat prosecutor who brought what appear to be baseless charges against white college students from wealthy families.
In other words, Obama is flipping the civil rights paradigm on its head. Until now, prominent civil rights investigations almost always involved investigations of whites accused of violating a minority citizen's civil rights (such as Rodney King, the shooting of Sean Bell, etc., etc.). Now, Obama seeks to have a white prosecutor who apparently made unfounded accusations against a group of privileged white college students, then covered up evidence which would tend to vindicate the accused, held responsible violating those students' civil rights. By doing this, Obama is trying to take the center away from his Democrat rivals and attempting to secure an important demographic: the Southern white male.
If it plays well (and there is no reason to suspect it won't), it could significantly hurt Hillary's campaign by forcing her to compete for these voters (whose values are often at odds with those of her leftist base).
This is getting more interesting by the minute.