Sunday, January 14, 2007
Yet another reason I like Dr. Dobson
"Speaking as a private individual, I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstances."
Me neither, Dr. Dobson, and for many of the same reasons: McCain's squishiness on the War on Terror; his ambivalence on the issue of gay marriage; his sponsorship of the unconstitutional McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill; his desire to extend legal adjudicatory rights to prisoners of war in Guatanamo; his opposition to strong border security; his willingness to legalize millions of illegal immigrants; etc., etc.
As I have said before, if the decision is between John McCain and Hillary Clinton, I'll cast a vote for a Democrat for President for the first time in my life.
Simple. John McCain is NOT a conservative. He is part of the old guard of Republican politics, a pseudo-Rockefeller Republican. If he becomes President, he will be able to appoint moderates to the courts and to positions of power within the administration to implement moderate policies. He will be able to drive a stake through the heart of what remains of the Reagan revolution. More importantly, he will have the ability to place his allies and supporters in positions of power in the Republican party in all fifty states. In short, a McCain paresidency will have the effect of shutting conservatives out of political power for decades.
Hillary would be a disaster as president -- no question about that. I suspect her economic policies and foreign policy would costs American jobs and lives. I do not think, however, that she could destroy the country. After all, Jimmy Carter didn't, and it's hard to see how Hillary Clinton could be any more of a disaster than Carter.
And, one must always remember that one great thing Jimmy Carter gave the American people -- the Ronald Reagan Presidency. If Hillary wins in 2008, I suspect a strongly conservative candidate would do well in 2012.