Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I think Schumer may be engaging in wishful thinking . . .
He recently told the New Yourk Daily News that: "We're in better shape than [Republicans] are, because they don't realize that Reaganomics is dead, that the Reagan philosophy is dead," he said. "We realize that New Deal democracy, which is still our paradigm, which is sort of appeal to each group ... that doesn't work any more."
Schumer had said a bit earlier, "The old Reagan theory which dominated -- which is, 'Government is bad, it's out of touch, chop off its hands as soon as it moves.' -- is over."
I don't think that is true at all. The fact is, Congressional Republicans have not practiced Reaganism for the past several years; instead, they have engaged in the same pork barrel spending and corrupt practices for which they use to castigate the Democrats.
I still believe that a strongly conservative candidate, with a cheerful, positive message of hope can be wildly successful. Time, of course, will tell.