Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Moonbats react to story that Karl Rove won't be indicted
One can always count on the loons at the Democratic Underground for a few laughs. Today's laughs come from a thread containing reaction to the news that Karl Rove will not be indicted in the Valerie Plame leak case:
No Exit knows what the REAL deal is:
The fix is in.
rodeodance is overwhelmed:
oh my GAWD!! no no no!
Skittles is merely jealous:
that bastard gets away with everything doesn't he?
The Witch loses her childlike innocence:
There is no Santy Claus, is there, Mommy?
zanne asks the right question, but comes up with the wrong answer:
So will we stop being so damned naive now?
When the Libby indictment came down, I was very disappointed and said so. I was practically blown off the website by people who said I was spreading "gloom and doom". (By the way, I don't see these people posting this morning).
We have to STOP LOOKING FOR A HERO! Nobody is willing to step up to the plate, and nobody is going to ride in on a white horse. WE'RE THE HEROES. And until we recognize that, get up off our asses and get involved and rescue this country ourselves, it ain't gonna happen. It's just not that simple. And PLEASE don't bore me with statements like "Well, maybe there are other plans".....
We have to stop guessing about what our "leaders" have in mind in an ultra-secret plan to save our asses. WE have to be the leaders.
PCIntern is succinct:
Sissy doody crap...
That's all I have to say in the matter . . .
JudgeSmails invokes al Zarquawi's fate:
This is what it must feel like to get a 500 lb. bomb dropped on you. I was so hoping that Leopold was correct. Why, why, why!!! We need to get these bastards and soon.
rodeodance enters therapy:
I thought I was phychologically prepared for this, but I am not. What a
Demeter is one of my favorites: despair, anguish, desperate hope, and finally, understanding:
My Heart Is Broken, My Spirit Crushed, My Faith in America DestroyedOn the other hand, I am sure that there are numerous other criminal enterprises that Kkkarl has participated in, so we just have to keep digging. Perhaps Fitz is doing just that--he has the license to do so.
Or am I approaching the definition of insanity, here?
The answer, my dear Demeter, is "No."
One cannot approach insanity when one is already insane.