Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Democrat activists respond to the recovery of the two missing soldiers' bodies
What planet are these guys on?
Binka does his level best to respond rationally:
OK [CENSORED] do we have to rip the WH fence down to get you to listen. Bring them home NOW. I am so furious I could rip * apart with my teeth.
Warren Stupidity cuts right to the chase and demands immediate surrender in Iraq:
How about we get out of there now. Before any more of our kids are killed for some damn lie.
VolcanoJen adds her own "reasoning" -- the other side is barbaric, so we need to retreat:
They were likely beheaded by al-Muhajer...
This war is barbaric. Bring them home now!!
The aptly named AngryOldDem cuts to the chase and demands we "cut and run":
This has got to stop. Call it "cut-and-run" or whatever the [CENSORED] you want. THIS. HAS. GOT. TO. STOP.
WHERE is the public outrage over this?????
A somewhat wiser moonbat, Auntie Bush, thinks AngryOldDem's policy needs a better name:
We should call/frame the issue "stop-the-killing"---Not "cut an run"
This sounds good...Ask, What would you rather do, "stay-the-course" or
"stop-the-killing?" The answer is simple!
And finally, the aptly named "Disturbed" offers some advice to the terrorists:
The better thing would have been to keep these soldiers for awhile and to have made a statement that they are being treated as POWs with Geneva Accords treatment. Maybe they couldn't keep them though with the massive hunt for them and $100K reward for info. Killing them was not only shameful and wrong but foolish.
Who the heck are these people? Self-described Democrat activists who don't grasp the concept that politics should end at the waters edge. Raving moonbats who are, whether they know it or not, largely responsible for the image many Americans have of the modern Democrat party as an untrustworthy organization who lacks the judgment and ability to handle issues of national security.
Unfortunately, this lack of leadership ability from the Democrats has allowed Republicans to govern without any reasonable political pressure from either the Republican base or the public in general. Republican politicians don't have to worry about adhering to the principles that got them elected because Republicans know the average voter has nowhere else to go. If you have to elect someone to guard the gate from barbarians, and the choices are between the drunk who currently stands guard and who, though a drunk, is willing to at least show up, and a schizophrenic weasel who not only will fail to show up, but actively supports tearing down the gate, for whom would you vote? The drunk isn't an ideal candidate; heck, he isn't even a good candidate. Problem is, the alternative is even worse.
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And on the Right we find this from Powerline:
"Bodies of Kidnapped Soldiers Reportedly Found:
An Iraqi official says that the bodies of Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, who were kidnapped by a terrorist group last Friday, have been found not far from where the incident occurred. American officials have not yet confirmed the report.
In a sick coda, Menchaca's uncle, Ken MacKenzie, appeared on the Today show and recited weirdly inapplicable Democratic Party talking points in relation to his own nephew's death:
"The news is going to be heartbreaking for my family," Ken MacKenzie, Menchaca's uncle, told NBC's "Today" show.
He said the United States should have paid a ransom from money seized from Saddam Hussein.
"I think the U.S. was too slow to react to this. Because the U.S. did not have a plan in place, my nephew has paid with his life."
No shame."
As a Left blogger put it, the relatives of the dead only have the right to speak out on the war if they AGREE with it and the President's stance. Otherwise they are unpatriotic and are not supporting the troops.
Steve, "Staying the Course" is what led to the Titanic sinking. "Cut and Run" is an old sailing ship term meaning that the skipper cut his anchor cable and ran before the wind before a storm (or oncoming enemies) caught him on a lee shore. It was ONLY done in desperation, when nothing else would serve.
Obviously we may disagree on whether we've reached that point, but with your knowledge of military history you MUST admit that at SOME point it becomes necessary to retreat from the battle in order to win the war. Again we may disagree on where that tipping point lies, but you CANNOT argue that it DOES NOT exist.
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"Bodies of Kidnapped Soldiers Reportedly Found:
An Iraqi official says that the bodies of Kristian Menchaca and Thomas Tucker, who were kidnapped by a terrorist group last Friday, have been found not far from where the incident occurred. American officials have not yet confirmed the report.
In a sick coda, Menchaca's uncle, Ken MacKenzie, appeared on the Today show and recited weirdly inapplicable Democratic Party talking points in relation to his own nephew's death:
"The news is going to be heartbreaking for my family," Ken MacKenzie, Menchaca's uncle, told NBC's "Today" show.
He said the United States should have paid a ransom from money seized from Saddam Hussein.
"I think the U.S. was too slow to react to this. Because the U.S. did not have a plan in place, my nephew has paid with his life."
No shame."
As a Left blogger put it, the relatives of the dead only have the right to speak out on the war if they AGREE with it and the President's stance. Otherwise they are unpatriotic and are not supporting the troops.
Steve, "Staying the Course" is what led to the Titanic sinking. "Cut and Run" is an old sailing ship term meaning that the skipper cut his anchor cable and ran before the wind before a storm (or oncoming enemies) caught him on a lee shore. It was ONLY done in desperation, when nothing else would serve.
Obviously we may disagree on whether we've reached that point, but with your knowledge of military history you MUST admit that at SOME point it becomes necessary to retreat from the battle in order to win the war. Again we may disagree on where that tipping point lies, but you CANNOT argue that it DOES NOT exist.
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