Tuesday, April 11, 2006
America the infiltrated
I can't say I disagree.
I'm getting tired of Senators and others telling me that illegal immigrants are just here doing juobs Americans won't do.
When I was a teenager, I worked as a dishwasher, a fast food employee, and, briefly, mowing lawns. I've picked up trash by the side of the road. I've worked at a truck wash. I've worked as a convenience store clerk.
Am I something special? No -- I just needed money, and those were jobs that I could get as a student.
Now, my kids don't have that opportunity. Many of these jobs are no longer doled out to American teenagers working part time, but instead to illegal immigrants working full time for dirt wages.
In return, as a taxpayer, I get to pay for these people's medical care through medicaid and other programs, and get to watch my nation being systematically and fundamentally changed by illegal immigration while a fair number of politicians stand about and do nothing.
It is frustrating.