Tuesday, February 21, 2006
When Jimmy Carter agrees with you politically . . .
it's time to reconsider your position.
President Bush is taking a battering from fellow Republicans, even the governors of New York and Maryland, over the administration's support for a decision that gives an Arab company control of some commercial operations at six major seaports. . .As well he should. Giving control of commercial operations of American ports to a foreign company is a foolish idea -- whether that company is British, Chinese or Arab.
But he got a boost Monday from an unlikely source, frequent critic and former president Jimmy Carter, who downplayed fears that the deal poses a risk.Take this as a hint, Mr. President. If Jimmy likes it, taking the opposing position is ALWAYS a safe bet.
Now, however, Bush has compounded his mistake. Today, he threatened to veto any legislation that would block the agreement.
A local radio host had it precisely right: Bush is tone deaf on this issue.