Monday, February 20, 2006
Fixing Humpty Lumpty has called it quits . . .
Good word.
I noticed this morning that Humpty's blog was blank; apparently, most of it has been taken down. KT has left one post to explain what happened.
For those of you who haven't visited her blog, you missed out. KT is a young mother of four kids. In December, she had extensive cosmetic surgery to repair the damage that having four kids in quick succession had done to her body.
She occasionally posted "before and after" photographs, described how she felt, and even broke down the financial aspects of her surgery.
Last week, she lamented that several people had made very negative remarks about her blog in general, and KT in particular. These included remarks about KT being "shallow"; lamentations about how having such a "vain" and "superficial" mother would impact KT's kids; and other comments along similar (and often much more brutal) lines.
My take on these comments (and blogposts on other sites) was pretty straightforward -- there are a lot of jealous people out there. My hat's off to KT for taking the time to share a very personal part of her life with her readers. My wife and I have talked for several years about the possibilities of her having some minor cosmetic surgery for the same reason KT had hers -- Amy gave birth to four kids, three of them in a four year period of time, and that sort of stress causes damage to a woman's body. I appreciated KT's willingness to talk about her recovery, the financial aspects, and how it impacted her emotionally and otherwise to undergo the surgery. I think many of those who castigated KT for her blog were engaged in a sort of jealous self-loathing; wishing that they had the opportunity (or the life or the body) KT had.
Now, however, it appears that some people have gone farther than merely excoriating KT in comments and other blogs. Without giving any specifics, KT said:
The safety of my family can not be risked due to my willingness to post about my experiences and other's desires to be the unfortunate people they are.Very sad. I'm not sure whether this decision is the result of the types of posts KT described last week, or if something more sinister is afoot.
KT, I know you can't tell more than you have already. But I will miss your blog. It was a daily read for me, and I am more than a bit sad that it is gone.
UPDATE: Apparently, when you delete your blogspot blog, the name becomes available immediately for whomever may want it. Some of KT's detractors apparently took over her old site, so, at her request, I have removed the links.
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I agree! I just found her blog and went to add her to my link list today! Bummer. She was kicked off the playground by bullies. That's about the gist of it.
I guess the blogging world is only for uglies now?? I better take my pics down. ;)
I guess the blogging world is only for uglies now?? I better take my pics down. ;)
It is sad, there are lots of people actually interested in similar types of procedures she had. Some may make a change, some may never.
She had the guts to blog about it, I'm betting there were lots of women and men following her blog. Too bad the negative voices apparently stopped it.
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She had the guts to blog about it, I'm betting there were lots of women and men following her blog. Too bad the negative voices apparently stopped it.
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