Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I'm wondering how they plan to do it.
The Mexican government, angered by a U.S. proposal to extend a wall along the border to keep out migrants, pledged Tuesday to block the plan and organize an international campaign against it.But how do they really feel?
"Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall," [Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto] Derbez said.But how?
The government is scrambling to fight on two fronts. On Monday, it announced it had hired Allyn & Company, a Dallas-based public relations company to help improve Mexico's image and stem the immigration backlash.
. . .
Mexico has also said it is recruiting U.S. church, community and business groups to oppose the proposal.
And the government has stepped up its defense of migrants, airing a series of radio spots here aimed at migrants returning home for the holidays.
"Had a labor accident in the United States? You have rights ... Call," reads the ad, sponsored by Mexico's Foreign Relations Department, which has helped migrants bring compensation suits in the United States.
Oh -- I see -- they are going to use American advertising firms to try and convince us that there is no immigration problem, then they are going to approach the usual Leftist groups who are opposed to the measure anyway, and finally, they are going to call up the reserves: Plaintiff's Trial Lawyer Battalion 809.
Sigh. If Mexico would bother with adopting some economic reform measures, widening some civil liberties, and deregulating their decrepit economy, Mexican citizens wouldn't feel compelled to travel illegally to the United States. They could support their families by staying at home.
It appears the Mexican government, however, is happier with the status quo, and would rather focus its energies on having its consulates issue identification to illegal immigrants already in the United States and handing out free comic books [warning -- *.pdf file] providing illegal immigrants a step-by-step guide to entering the United States illegally.
In the end, however, I think the Mexican government's efforts will fail. There is a popular backlash rising against the illegal immigrants. It has been building for over twenty years. An ad campaign will likely fail, and could even make things worse.
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How are they going to do it? Simple, Fox will put up a microphone in front of the wall and say ... "President Boosh (he has an accent you know) ... tear down this wall."
Hey, it worked for Reagan.
OR ... they could just paint graffiti all over it ("Foxes pee on Bushes" ... just an example) ... of course we'd have to respond with our OWN graffiti ("Bushes ... uh ... POOP on Foxes" ... hey, I didn't say ours would be BETTER)
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Hey, it worked for Reagan.
OR ... they could just paint graffiti all over it ("Foxes pee on Bushes" ... just an example) ... of course we'd have to respond with our OWN graffiti ("Bushes ... uh ... POOP on Foxes" ... hey, I didn't say ours would be BETTER)
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