Monday, October 03, 2005
Different thoughts on the whole Harriet Miers appointment
Today, President Bush appointed Harriet Miers to replace Sandra Day O'Connor as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.
Conservatives are flipping out.
For example, Feddie at Southern Appeal initially said he was "done with Bush" for this pick. John at RightWingNews calls the pick "a disaster". Michelle Malkin is "utterly underwhelmed." Anklebitingpundits ask "is this what we fought for?"
Needless to say, many Republicans WANTED the fight with the Democrats over the role of the Court in our government. Conservatives WANTED to go out and beat up liberals in the realm of ideas. The desire, the NEED to prevail in the intellectual arena is palpable amongst conservatives -- probably due, in part, to the vicious attacks from Leftist intellectuals conservatives have endured for nearly three decades.
Bush, however, has declined to start the fight. One has to ask -- why?
Why would Bush decline to pick a fight? Why would Bush avoid picking a known conservative such as McConnell or Luttig? Why wouldn't he rely upon someone around whom the conservative base could rally? More importantly, is Bush just an idiot willing to throw away his supporters and risk losing the Senate and House in 2006 just to reward a pal?
I disagree. I suspect that Harriet Miers will be quickly confirmed. I trust that Bush, who has known Ms. Miers for nearly a decade, knows her well enough to trust that she will please the base on some hot-button legal issues. Thinking about the timing of all this -- if Harriet mire is confirmed, her name and vote will be on a slew of abortion, affirmative action, and other politically significant legal decisions next summer. That will help motivate the base -- just in time for the 2006 elections.
Far fetched? Probably -- but possible. I have learned not to misunderestimate Bush or Rove when it comes to political strategy.