Friday, September 23, 2005
TV Weatherman retires to wear his tinfoil hat full-time
Seriously, this guy is just bizzare:
Since Katrina, Stevens has been in newspapers across the country where he was quoted in an Associated Press story as saying the Yakuza Mafia used a Russian-made electromagnetic generator to cause Hurricane Katrina in a bid to avenge the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima.Ummm . . . oka-a-ayyy.
Check out his website, Weatherwars. It looks like he is serious about this stuff:
A battle in the skies is waged daily. Some battles are won and others lost. We yet know not which. For years this massive global project has been under way, but only now is it making it to the forefront of the consciousness of those with curious minds. These open minds know that every belief system fails; and only fails, under the weight of new truthful information. This is how progress is made, slowly and often only with the passing of a generation of humankind.Wow. He is similarly modest about himself:
I am just the first of a very bright group of individuals who have to look at information that is of varying reliability and quality on a day to day basis. draw conclusions from that data, then present those conclusions of that data to very large audiences.
'Nuff said. Invest in Alcoa if guys like this keep popping up.