Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Oprah loses it.
After taking a tour of the now-empty Superdome (guided by New Orleans' Mayor Nagin), she has concluded that the people who were stuck in the Superdome are owed an apology.
I can agree with that. I mean, the city could have provided busses to evacuate these folks before Katrina hit, but didn't.
The City could have stocked adequate food and water supplies for the expected number of people, but didn't.
The City could have provided emergency sanitary facilities (like, say, port-a-potties) to serve the evacuee's needs, but didn't.
The City could have provided ADEQUATE SECURITY for the facility, but didn't.
The City could have FOLLOWED ITS OWN HURRICANE DISASTER PLANS, but didn't. (Warning - PDF file).
The City could have REQUIRED RESIDENTS TO EVACUATE, but didn't.
The State could have decided not to drag it's feet in making decisions, but didn't.
The State could have pre-positioned National Guardsmen at the Superdome, but didn't.
The State could have requested federal assistance earlier, but didn't.
The State could have turned control of state national guard units over to the feds earlier, making coordination of relief efforts smoother, but didn't.
The State could have declared martial law and required evacuation prior to the hurricane's strike, but didn't.
FEMA could have actually administered things better, but didn't.
All of these things are failures for which people deserve an explanation, an apology, and some accountability.
BUT that's not who Oprah thinks needs to apologize.
Nope, she says:
"I think this country owes these people an apology," Ms. Winfrey said. "It makes me so mad!"Good Lord.
People in this country have been opening their pocketbooks in record numbers. People across the country have gone further and opened their homes to evacuees.
Here in Texas, we have opened our local schools, universities and community centers, not only to provide shelter, but to provide education and recreation to the evacuees.
Even the Texas Bar Association has gotten in the act, allowing displaced attorneys from Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi to practice law in Texas without a local license -- something I have never heard of a state bar association ever doing. State bars tend to be very restrictive, and do not allow non-members to practice in their state (even if they have been admitted to another state) absent either application and admission or a motion for limited admission to practice law in one specific lawsuit (pro hac vice admission) with a local attorney as co-counsel.
But the "country" owes an apology.
Shut up, Oprah. Take your touchy-feely brand of liberalism back to Chicago. You obviously have NO CLUE what this country has already done, and is continuing to do, to help these people. Instead, you are simply doing what Sean Penn and his ilk have done in the past week-- attempting to cash in on other people's misery with a nifty photo opp.
Simply disgusting.
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All that i hear is Bush Bush Bush! Well let me tell you.They were told to leave.They were begged to leave. They didnt ,they are poor,have no car,no were to its all about the poor.Well lets see what the peaple who get up and go to work every day owns homes pays bills pays taxes. They get a loan. the poor get for free. and all those men that now live everywhere else,well cant they stay and help to clean things up,rebuild.No becouse they dont have to.lets send other peaple from all over to do it for them.I wonder whats paying for it now.To the hand full that are staying to help i would give.
I'm sorry but the anonymous makes no sense to me. I think what he or she is saying (somewhat) is now that this has happened, the poor are going to get rich???. I dont know about that but, I do think that a mandatory evac.. Means get out and it also means if you dont have a way to leave then you call the state. I always thought that they provided transportation when this occured???. I guess I was wronge. I mean, they had to have known that there were people (as in elderly, sick and poor) that would not have the means to leave. It did'nt look to me that all of the people at the Dome were poor. Hell my family is considered poverty level, but if I had a storm raging at my front door I would'nt think twice about leaving even if that meant walking. I know the elderly and the sick could'nt possibly do this, but I've seen alot of able body people who could have. My heart goes out to all the people who lost there homes, to the ones who lost family members and who may still lose family due to the illnesses that is going to affect these people who had to live in the conditions Katrina left behind. As far as Oprah saying that, I'm with you on the appology. Why should I feel I should appologize over something I had no control over. If it were up to me there would have been a house to house evacuation done ahead of time. They (the State Department) had time for that in my opinion. (They could have called in the Nation Guard for that instead of waiting until after the hurricane and calling them in to control those who did'nt leave.) I dont care if Katrine would have slowed down to a tropical storm. The old saying "Better to be SAFE than to be SORRY" applies to all of these natural disasters that have WARNING ahead of time. Okay I'm done all though I could keep going. I wish the best to the people who have had to endure this awful tragedy. My prayers go out to each and every one of them.
P.S. Thank you to the media and fema and all the other organizations out there for making us feel like crap because we cant afford to donate "CASH". I think that is BULL. Can goods can last years. So can diapers and clothing. The meals and money you are giving them will only last a short time. Food is food!!!
P.S. Thank you to the media and fema and all the other organizations out there for making us feel like crap because we cant afford to donate "CASH". I think that is BULL. Can goods can last years. So can diapers and clothing. The meals and money you are giving them will only last a short time. Food is food!!!
Oprah owes America an apology for spreading her touchy/feely crap. We had a F5 tornado headed to our town with much less warning than the people of NO had. We still packed up and were ready to leave. Thank God it turned East before it got here. Unfortunate for Moore and Bridge Creek though.
I think anonymous basicly is saying: Stop blaming Bush for everything, being poor is no excuse for being stupid, he's tired of supporting people that don't have to work, and he's willing to help those that are willing to help themselves.
If that's what he's saying than I'm agreeing.
I think anonymous basicly is saying: Stop blaming Bush for everything, being poor is no excuse for being stupid, he's tired of supporting people that don't have to work, and he's willing to help those that are willing to help themselves.
If that's what he's saying than I'm agreeing.
When Ophrah says "this country" she does not mean the people. She means "Big Brother." It is so sad how many people are thinking it is important to have Big Government now and want to depend on Big Brother to take care of them. Real sad!
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