Saturday, September 03, 2005
More moonbattedness on display
Randall Robinson swears that the Hurricane Katrina disaster proves how racially biased America is because nobody came to help black folks in New Orleans, and that those folks "have begun eating corpses to survive."
Of course, he cites not a single source. I suspect he is making it up, or "heard it from a friend whose cousin knows this guy who's girlfriend's halfbrother's cousin's next door neighbor" or something similar.
Of course, verifying the allegation is not nearly as important as throwing it out there in order to forward the racist liberal agenda or to attack Bush and the conservatives.
Jesse Jackson has joined this chorus, blasting Bush for not appointing black folks to head up the disaster relief because. He thinks there should be some sort of racial set aside because so many of the folks trapped in New Orleans (a black-majority city) are black.
Heaven forbid he direct his anger at a city mayor whose failure to do things like provide poor citizens free bussing to higher ground before the hurricane struck.
No, the race card is better red meat for race mongerers among us. It is sad that David Duke, the racists at Stormfront, and Jesse Jackson all sound alike.
It's pathetically sad.
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"I suspect he is making it up, or "heard it from a friend whose cousin knows this guy who's girlfriend's halfbrother's cousin's next door neighbor" or something similar."
HEY! I think I know that person! :p
HEY! I think I know that person! :p
BTW, Jesse Jackson is nothing more than a huge JACKASS who's out to make a buck for himself by stirring the pot. Typical.
Robinson is a leftist to the point of being communist. This comment by him doesn't even surprise me. What surprises me is that he put up a retraction. Of course he put it at the top of the offending column so that almost nobody that's already seen it will know about the retraction since it's back in archives now. That kind of thing needs a new entry.
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