Thursday, August 11, 2005
Today needs to go better than yesterday, because
yesterday pretty much sucked.
First, I had headaches and neck pains all day (from a car accident over two years ago -- long story, and still in litigation, so no more details than that).
Then, I learned that we were going to have to withdraw from representation in a case that comprised 25% of my billing hours last month. The reasons are complex (and have a lot to do with a lawyer at another firm preferring to flog his client's insurance carrier for 100-150 billable hours instead of moving quickly towards mediation) but it still means I have to figure out how to replace those hours.
Finally, I arrived home and learned that my wife's aunt, who has been battling brain cancer for a few months, was informed yesterday that she had about six weeks left to live.
I can't imagine how I would react to such news. Imagine being told that the next six weeks would be your last. You have 42 days left. Thank you for playing.