Thursday, August 18, 2005
This could lose the GOP control of the Senate . . .
if it is true.
Ed Gillespie has been telling the press (eg this morning's front-pager in the WSJ) that a revived amnesty plan will be the president's top domestic priority come September.
That is just, well, wrong. Granting amnesty sends the message that if one decides to enter the United States illegally, then he or she can stay and become a permanent resident after a period of time. It's an insult to the concept of "respect for the law" and a slap in the face of every immigrant who waited patiently to enter this country legally.
Money quote:
By "reforming" immigration in ways that make law-breaking more attractive, [the administration is] inviting an ever greater supply of the very problem they are claiming to wish to solve - and also ever greater cynicism among conservative and Republican voters.
Amen. This Republican will not vote for any Congress-critter who supports amnesty for lawbreakers.