Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Shoot looters on sight . . .
or you will only have more (and better armed) looters.
With law enforcement officials and National Guardsmen focused on saving lives, looters around the city openly ransacked stores for food, clothing, appliances -- and guns.I understand our desire to save lives, but ignoring the looters will cost more lives in the long run.
New Orleans' homeland security chief, Terry Ebbert, said looters were breaking into stores all over town and stealing guns. He said there are gangs of armed men moving around the city.See? Shoot the looters on sight (the city IS under martial law, after all) and you will suppress many of these scumbags. You'll also prevent a bad situation from getting much worse.
The Times-Picayune newspaper reported that the gun section at a new Wal-Mart in the Lower Garden District had been cleaned out by looters.
Gunshots were heard throughout the night in Carrollton.
How much worse can it get? Let me leave you with one more quote from that story:
Staff members at Children's Hospital huddled with sick youngsters and waited in vain for help to arrive as looters tried to break through the locked door, Blanco spokeswoman Denise Bottcher told the newspaper. Neither the police nor the National Guard arrived.I wonder what many gun control advocates would say if the hospital staff had been forced to defend the sick youngsters (and the drugs those kids need) with lethal force?
I've been watching the newsfeed. During a recent interview with reporter Ed Reams, they showed footage from inside a local department store (which apparently still had power).
Cops -- in uniform -- were looting right alongside everyone else.
Oh, and to anticipate some arguments about the need to survive: I don't think electronics, shoes, and designer clothing by the shopping cart load are "necessities for survival."
I might have a little compassion for the mom and infant grabbing some bottled water and formula, or the family man grabbing some cans of food for the family as they attempt to hike out.
I have no compassion for those who simply see this disaster as an "opportunity" to steal from their neighbors. To the contrary, I find it disgusting and intolerable.
I repeat: shoot the looters on sight.
Nothing else will stop the crime.
UPDATE: Some have questioned the legality of such measures. I think it would be unquestionably legal if the President exercised his authority under Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution and suspended habeas corpus in the impacted areas.
Sorry, but subsequent events are confirming my fears of the consequences of ignoring blatant lawlessness.