Tuesday, July 19, 2005
The Moonbats take flight!
More amusement from our friends at the Democratic Underground as they react to Roberts' nomination:
Garyseven sez:
Bush's pick is a direct assault on the social progress of the 20th century. This creature, Roberts, is the spawn of the Federalist Society a twisted, sick and perverted "school" of "scholars" whose theories on the Constitution are warped and distorted with no basis in fact and with no fidelity to nearly 250 years of American jurisprudence.
As of tonight - unless we act - not only is Roe v. Wade overturned, but so are ALL federal powers to enforce fair commerce, ensure safe products, food and medicine, not to mention the rights and civil liberties of anyone not fortunate to be born white, male and Christian.
Bush was elected - excuse me, selected - for the sole purpose of destroying social progressivism and returning the country to the post-Civil War level of individual protections. NO MATTER WHAT this person says, he WILL overturn the laws his conservative masters desire him to and there will be NO way of stopping him.
Or this from DrDon32:
Goodbye Roe ; Hello Back-alley Butchers
Amazing how people forget before RVW.
Rich people will fly to europe to get abortions.
Poor people will get coat-hangers, pelvic infections , sterility and possible death.
Or this from Erika:
The Age of Taliban in the U.S.
Provided by W and the religious right extremists.
Or this from ollie79 (here's hoping there aren't 78 others):
The chimp has lost it! The chimp nominated a right wing, para-military gun, womb raiding nut! Oh well, we got to bust him up in the hearings.
Sigh. What ARE they drinking at the DU?
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Chicago Democrat (1000+ posts) Tue Jul-19-05 10:11 PM
Response to Original message
He's FIFTY!!!
How can we impeach these nazi's?
This was my favorite and sums up the shift of the Left's motto from "Don't trust anyone over thirty" to "Don't trust anyone under sixty." When will the switch occur to calling the Left "knee jerk reactionaries" and the Right "open-minded progressives."
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Response to Original message
He's FIFTY!!!
How can we impeach these nazi's?
This was my favorite and sums up the shift of the Left's motto from "Don't trust anyone over thirty" to "Don't trust anyone under sixty." When will the switch occur to calling the Left "knee jerk reactionaries" and the Right "open-minded progressives."
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