Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Long overdue followup . . .
on the attempt by administrators at Mifflin High School in Columbus, Ohio, to cover up the sexual assault of a disabled student by two classmates.
Last Spring, I blogged on this story here, here, here and here.
Now, disgraced Principal Regina Crenshaw has decided to fight 4th degree misdemeanor charges for failing to report child abuse.
Her attorney says that the Columbus Public School system discouraged principals from notifying police about possible crimes on school property. Ergo, I presume, Ms. Crenshaw should be given her job back because "she was only following orders."
Right. Is that the best you've got?
Nope. Not even close. Apparently, Ms. Crenshaw believes she is the victim of racism.
Racism? A black principal in a majority-minority district is crying racism?
You see, according to her attorney, Ms. Crenshaw isn't being prosecuted due to the high profile and horrific details of this attack. No -- it's due to her race.
Sigh. That old, worn-out, dog-eared race card is way past its prime. How about some personal responsibility instead?
Or am I asking too much?