Friday, July 01, 2005
First morning at the new office . . .
and things are slow. I think it will be next week before I get some good projects, but that's okay.
Also, Blogger seems to be acting up -- so if you see large gaps of white space in the posts, fear not. Blogger is just being goofy.
Today is my eldest son's ninth birthday. About this time nine years ago, I had just gotten off the phone with my law school prof explaining why I wasn't at my 8 am class, and was busy washing my newborn son. Now, he is playing baseball and beating me in video games. Tonight, we are celebrating with a surprise pool party (last night, we engaged in an elaborate deception to make him think we couldn't do anything more than a small cake and a couple of friends over -- he was sad, but bore it well).
How the time flies. He is halfway to manhood. Each day becomes more precious as he slowly grows more independent.
I love you Philip Reagan. I hope you will always love me, too.
A very proud Daddy.