Thursday, July 07, 2005
And, as usual in times of tragedy . . .
the moonbats come out in force.
Take TankLV (please), who seems to think that this attack is just another attempt by Bush to boost sagging poll numbers. OhioBlues somewhat agrees, asserting that Bush and Blair are either "impotent or in on it."
Fooj puts an anti-Semitic spin on the story. JohnnyBoots implies Rudy Giuliani might be a factor.
Joey Liberal, on the other hand, lays all blame squarely at Bush and is prepared to surrender. lildreamer316 agrees, believing this will happen again and again until we "get rid of " Bush. As for Bush himself, Prodemsouth thinks he is enjoying the spectacle.
No wonder the Democrats have been losing power for years (warning - large PDF file -- hat tip, Dinocrat). As the activists become more and more extreme in their rhetoric and actions, the Democrats will lose more and more people offended by those who claim to speak for the party.