Thursday, May 19, 2005
Personal Update
Things are not going well, dear friends. Four weeks after learning my job was being eliminated, I feel no closer to new employment.
I am now expanding my job search to the entire state. I have little choice.
We don't want to move. I have a daughter about to enter ninth grade, and my family and I love this area. We've lived here for over half our marriage. It is home.
I've been using recruiting firms to help my job search, but that is not working out so well. My grades were good my first two years of law school, but the birth of our youngest daughter (who has Downs syndrome) trashed them my third year. Unfortunately, most of the larger firms don't take such things into account -- they only look at the grades (never mind the fact I was on law review, published, won top honors in our first year writing contest and top honors in the first year oral boards.
Nope, those are meaningless. Only the bottom line grades matter, it would seem.
Amy is beginning to get stressed out. I found out she called her mother this evening in tears over our situation. If I don't find something soon, we very well may lose the house.
I haven't felt this helpless in years.
Tomorrow, I am going to hit about ten or eleven law firms in the Dallas area that practice the same kind of law I practice (construction and complex commercial litigation). We'll see what opens up.
In the meantime, pray for us dear friends.
And if you can spare about $100K a year, I'm available.