Monday, April 11, 2005
I couldn't make this stuff up
You'd never believe it, dear readers. You'd accuse me of the grossest distortions, of unreasonable and unsupportable caricatures of those with whose ideologies I disagree.
Dan Flynn runs "The Flynn Files", a conservative blog. In a recent post, he detailed some background information about the salad dressing assault on Pat Buchanan last month. Apparently, one of the conservatives involved in setting up the speech has alleged misconduct by a leftist professor (of sociology, whose dissertation essentially asserts that misogynistic language suppresses reporting of rapes).
The post is interesting, but the real fun comes in the comments. Some of my favorites include:
(1) A poster claiming to be a WMU professor whose conclusion regarding the violence is, essentially, that the conservatives "were asking for it"
(2) another poster who claims that, because a conservative student entered the sociology professor's class during the time it was in session, he had "raped the students in the class he invaded of their educational experience" and that by allegedly posting signs in a manner prohibited by the relevant guidelines, "he raped students of their right to travel the hallways without feeling intimidated (posting unauthorized signs)"
and (my favorite from a student in the women's studies class in question on why he needed to post his version of events)
(3) "each student in the class shapes his/her own reality, each posting will be different."
Classic. That guy is going places. In the women's study program, at least . . .