Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Michael Schaivo on Nightline
Goodness. Michael Schaivo is on Nightline, and he is indignant. He's upset because the Florida legislature is about to pass a bill that would make it illegal to remove a feeding tube or artifical nutrition device from a person unless they leave instructions that such a thing is okay in writing.
The interview was a media suckup. Michael admits he will not benefit financially because there is no money left - he doesn't mention that much of it has been spent trying to kill Terri.
He also is either a liar or severely deluded. Here are a couple of quotes:
Terry will not be starved to death. Her nutrition and hydration will be taken away. This happens across this country every day.
How does one die, then, if their guardian "[takes away the] nutrition and hydration"? One might attempt to justify the action on the basis that the person is clinically braindead (which Schiavo, of course, does), but to suggest that when nutrition and hydration are denied, the resulting death is caused by anything other than starvation is absurd.
Death through removing somebody's nutrition is very painless. That has been brought to the courts many of times. Doctors have come in and testified. It is a very painless procedure.
He doesn't think it will hurt her, then. Instead, he describes the process as:
she will drift off to a nice little sleep and eventually pass on to be with God.
Right. No starving person to see here, folks -- ignore the man behind the curtain, move along, move along.
More from Michael Schaivo:
And to sit here and be called a murderer and an adulterer by people that don't know me, and a governor stepping into my personal, private life, who doesn't know me either?
Well, technically, it probably is not murder -- unless the law is changed. It appears the Florida legislature is in the process of doing exactly that.
However, Michael, you DO live with another woman, and you DO have two children by that woman -- so yeah, you ARE an adulterer.
Do I know perfectly what to do in this situation? No. But I have significant problems with Michael Schaivo's actions.
One last thing -- there was some publicity about a one million dollar offer for Michael to divorce Terri and relinquish the guardianship. Michael now claims there was an earlier offer of TEN MILLION dollars . . . but it isn't about the money.
Either it really isn't about the money, or something more sinister is going on. I recall rumors about evidence of spousal abuse -- this may or may not be true.
But Michael Schaivo strikes me as trying to hide something. Certainly, his behavior (adultery, prohibiting (for a time) Terri's parents from visiting her, halting all physical and rehabilitative therapy) leaves much to be desired.
And so, we have another showdown on Friday. Who knows what will happen -- but I doubt this case is over by any measure.
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I only have one question for Michael Schaivo. What happened to "for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer"?
I have another question for the judge that ordered the feeding tube removed. What happened to "Thou shalt not kill"?
I have another question for the judge that ordered the feeding tube removed. What happened to "Thou shalt not kill"?
I only have one question for Michael Schaivo. What happened to "for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer"?
I have another question for the judge that ordered the feeding tube removed. What happened to "Thou shalt not kill"?
I have another question for the judge that ordered the feeding tube removed. What happened to "Thou shalt not kill"?
Why do 'nt you just divorce Terry and leave the caregiving to her family, you certantly are enjoying your life now Oh I forgot, you will lose the insurance money
Here here...the system that lets this man go unchallenged about his murdering is broken. My only hope is that he is eventually sued and convicted, and that our Media doesn't bury that story. I also hope Greer is investigated and impeached.
Was Michael driven by guilt more than compassion when he joined nursing program? Could he have been the reason for Teri's brain damage and took nursing classes in order to cover up this situation? I can't help to think that maybe he choked her causing her injury and now he wanted her dead to cover up his tracks...why else would he so desperately want her dead? And did he flunk his nursing program? I ask, because he's in the dark about starvation. He said that starvation does not hurt, you just float away into heaven without any pain or suffering.
Michael, ARE YOU FREAKEN KIDDIN ME? Why don't you try "starvation" for 2 weeks I'm sure you'll change your tune. Now he wants her body cremated? Is this not another red flag???
Michael, ARE YOU FREAKEN KIDDIN ME? Why don't you try "starvation" for 2 weeks I'm sure you'll change your tune. Now he wants her body cremated? Is this not another red flag???
Michael Schaivo displays the same narcissisitc and even sociopathic tendencies as two other well known husbands, OJ and Scott Peterson. His demeanor shows the same lack of affect . That's the reason no one is buying his bs rationale that Terri said this is what she would have wanted. Yeah, I know thousands of people in their 20s who say "if I am ever incapacitated, please, please remove sustenance from me so I can die." Yeah, sure Michael.The American public and even the world looks on you with disgust. What a legacy you leave for your children with your "fiance" (doesn't one have to be not married to have a fiance?)
my comment to Michael Shaivo (and his attorney) is this... "To show some compassion toward Terri's parents & siblings. Have Terri cremeated like you want to but PLEASE consider giving her family some solace by giving them part of the ashes. That way you can both bury the woman you love and have some sense of closure." Think about it...
Michael Schiavo, you are disgusting. I would love for you to have to watch your children being starved to death by their spouses. How do you think her parents feel? You are a murderer with no compassion, money hungry, self-centered, greedy, heartless, and I hope you get what's coming to you and I don't mean the insurance money. You better look over your shoulder when you are out and about. You and your stupid lying lawyer are the world's most hated men. I could kick Felos when he says a peaceful death. Yeah, right.
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