Saturday, March 26, 2005
The fact this hasn't occurred more often in this gut-wrenching case . . .
is likely surprising to some.
On Friday, the FBI said a man was arrested in Fairview, N.C., allegedly for offering a $250,000 bounty for Michael Schiavo's death and $50,000 for that of a judge in the case. The FBI did not identify the judge.
Richard Alan Meywes allegedly sent the threatening e-mail Tuesday to two Tampa-area news organizations and the host of a national conservative talk show, the FBI said.
Meywes was taken into custody at his home and charged with murder for hire and with the transmission of interstate threatening communications, the FBI said. If convicted, Meywes could face up to 15 years in prison and fines up to $500,000.
I don't find it particularly surprising. We are, in the end, a nation of laws, and, by and large, we will obey the decisions of the courts, even when many of us are convinced the decisions are legally, ethically and morally wrong.
It is our heritage, and to our credit, that it is so.