Thursday, December 09, 2004
The University of Michigan proposes new graduation requirement: sex education
“A Gender and Sexuality requirement will create new dialogues, challenge hegemonic discourse, break taboos and stigmas, and open up realms of communication between all students,” states the students’ proposal, slowly being circulated among LSA faculty members. The plan would incorporate a wide swathe of issues, from classes on “Hollywood Masculinity” to those on gender and health.
This ought to be fun to watch -- like a good trainwreck or hockey fight.
No, not because of conservative Republican activists going apoplectic over the subject matter.
Consider, if you will, how Muslim students (particularly those of the Wahhabist variety) will react to this.
Will the 'gender activists' concede to these Muslim students' strongly held religious convictions regarding sexuality? And, if so, what makes Christian students' strongly held religious convictions any less relevant?
I do so love it when the various factions within the Leftist tent run headlong into one another.