Monday, November 01, 2004
Sir George On Voting
A nice riff of the famous Patton speech.
An excerpt:
LC's, this stuff we hear about regular Americans wanting to stay clear of politics, not wanting to vote, is a lot of bullshit. Americans love to vote - traditionally. All real Americans love the sting and clash of balloting. When you were kids, you all admired the class president; the homecoming queen; the big league debaters; the toughest leaders. Americans love a winning vision and will not tolerate a loser, especially a loser like John Kerry. Americans despise cowards. Americans despise traitors. Americans despise appeasement weasels, pander weasels, commie weasels, and just plain old weasels. And as Americans we vote to win - all the time. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who just ran as an incoherent self-serving protest. That's why a whining anti-American candidate will never win the White House, for the very thought of a whining loser is hateful to an American. Just look at how esteemed Al Gore was after he threw tantrums over his ignominious loss. Even his home state, the proud state of Tennessee, voted against the bum, and after he went crying to the court house to throw away the votes of fighting Americans, soldiers, he didn't dare run for dog catcher. That's how much Americans despise a loser.