Friday, November 05, 2004
A note to Texans contacting Senators Cornyn and Hutchison about Specter:
Cornyn is quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer as saying that he was hopeful Specter would promise to stand behind Bush's nominees. "I'm intending to sit down and discuss with him how things are going to work. We want to know what he's going to do and how things are going to work."
Sorry, Senator Cornyn, but with all due respect, Senator Specter is not trustworthy on this point. He is not running for re-election anymore, and there is nothing to stop him from doing just what he said he would do when he thought his assumption of the Chairmanship of Judiciary was a fait accompli. From killing Robert Bork's nomination to undermining spending cuts by insisting on pork for Democrats in appropriations bills to his bid to win the 1996 Republican nomination by attacking party conservatives to having his name right alongside Kerry's on campaign signs last week, Specter has shown himself to be unreliable, hostile to the mainstream Republican party, and clearly biased against conservatives. We cannot risk having a Judiciary Chairman like Arlen Specter.