Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Delusions of Victory . . .
Fox News is now reporting that the Kerry Campaign is objecting to the call of Ohio for President Bush, saying that there are 250,000 votes still left and therefore Kerry is not mathematically eliminated from winning (they are now down 135,000 votes).
In other words, they would have to win about 77% of the remaining votes, some of which are from heavily Republican Hamilton County (where a write-in campaign for a county office has slowed down election returns).
Ain't. Gonna. Happen.
But they can dream.
In other news:
Thune is beating Daschle by an increasing margin (I guess it is hard for Democrats to cheat with poll watchers at the Indian reservation polling places).
Martinez is holding on to a small lead in the Florida Senate race. Vitter has won the Louisiana Senate race outright. It looks like the Republicans will pick up five seats in the United States Senate.
With 89% of the vote in, Bush leads Kerry by 27,000 votes in New Mexico. On that basis, I am calling New Mexico for Bush (and hence, I am calling the election for Bush as well).
By the way, the conspiracy theorists at the Democratic Underground are heating up.
My favorite DU comment so far, though, is the following by a Lefty lamenting the fact they have lost the popular vote by over a million votes:
This country doesn't deserve John Kerry and John Edwards.
You know, I think I agree. On that note, good night, folks. God Bless America, and God Bless George W. Bush.