Saturday, November 13, 2004
Dagnabit, John! You are far too trusting . . .
Panel Member Wants Vow From Specter
A conservative member of the Senate Judiciary Committee said he could support Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) as chairman of the committee if Specter issued a public statement saying he would not try to block a Supreme Court nominee who opposes abortion rights.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) said Specter assured him in a conversation Tuesday he would push for swift up-or-down votes on nominees without regard to their positions on abortion. Cornyn indicated he was satisfied by Specter's comments but wanted them expressed in an official statement.
Asked if he thought Specter would get the chairmanship, Cornyn said, "Today, yes, I do."
Cornyn also said Specter is seeking a meeting with Republicans on the judiciary panel next week to resolve doubts prompted by his comments last week suggesting that the Senate was unlikely to confirm nominees who would overturn the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion nationwide. Conservatives have flooded the Senate with protests, urging Republicans to reject Specter as chairman.
With all due respect, Senator Cornyn, you are just plain wrong. Senator Specter cannotbe trusted on this important issue. His long history is one of consistent liberalism with brief forays to conservatism in the twelve to fifteen months prior to an election. Senator Specter will find a way around this "vow", leaving Senate Republicans with the unpalatable option of either removing a sitting Judiciary Chairman or letting a good nominee be voted down.
I urge you to reconsider your position. I urge my fellow Texans to call Senator Cornyn and voice their opposition to his statement.