Wednesday, October 27, 2004
A few words on the South Dakota Senate Race
I've been following this for while, hoping Republicans could knock Tom Daschle out of office (at long last) and send a message to midwestern Democrat politicians that they can no longer say one thing at home and do another in Washington.
The polls in South Dakota are VERY tight -- but seem to be showing John Thune up by about 0.5%. Very tight -- it might matter how many dead folks vote on certain Indian reservations (South Dakota's other Senator, Tim Johnson (D) won the overwhelming majority of the dead Indian vote in 2002).
I've also found a couple of good blogs to track this race. One describes much of the day to day operations of the campaign (I have linked specifically to a post on poll results). The other is broadly focused on South Dakota politics (and has a few copies of some killer political ads painting Daschle as out of touch with South Dakota).
Check them both out -- they are worth the time!
In other news, work is still killing me, so posting will be light for a few more days.