Saturday, September 25, 2004
Okay, I have joined the TTLB Ecosystem. So, the more you link to me, the higher this blog will climb. It's all up to you, gentle readers.
I have also delinked the now-defunct U.S.S. Clueless. If Steven begins blogging again, I'll happily relink him.
Also, Emperor Misha needs your support. I don't normally support paying bloggers, but Misha is deserving, IMHO. His is one of the handful of blogs I have read almost daily for the past couple of years and whose works have inspired some of the posts you see here. If you can spare it, I'd be obliged if you'd help him out.
Finally, the laptop didn't arrive yesterday. Yes, yes, I am more bummed about this than you probably are, but STILL! I WANT MY LAPTOP BACK!
I'm hopefully it will come today.