Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I. Can't. Believe. They. Are. Doing. This.
Apparently, France insists that any international conference on Iraq must have representatives from the Iraqi Resistance (i.e., al-Zarqawi and his merry band of murderers, plus al-Sadr (is Al Bundy in on this too?).
Dubya should thank France for this latest display of diplomatic ineptitude. Just before the first (and most critical) debate, France has gifted Bush with the ability to further associate John Kerry with an arrogant, hypocritical anti-American country by pointing out that the same "European Allies" John Kerry so desperately wants us to believe would join the fight in Iraq if only Kerry were in charge (despite Germany and France's repeated statements they aren't going to Iraq no matter WHO is in charge) are now insisting that any international conference regarding the future of U.S. military action in Iraq (and indeed, the future of Iraqi freedom) should include representatives of the terrorists.
You heard that right. This is the enlightened diplomacy Kerry has said HE intends to conduct.
Hat tip, Misha.