Friday, August 13, 2004
Exciting site information
(Well, exciting to ME, anyway!)
Traffic stats have skyrocketed since Emperor Misha was kind enough to recommend my blog on his website. Lest anyone doubt the power of Misha's recommendations, this site had a mere 400 hits or so up until two days ago. It just broke 1100. Wow.
LC Random Numbers> has also helped with traffic from his site. He just started a new category on his blogroll for what he calls "often overlooked blogs". He has been kind enough to list this blog as the first in that category.
I'm honored by all the attention.
I started this blog as a collection of, well, random thoughts that occurred to me in the minutes between projects or hearings at the court house. For years, I have passed the time reading about politics and arguing issues of the day with whomever I could get to listen. Finally, I decided to memorialize them here.
Posting hasn't always been consistent, though that is changing. With the new laptop, I have the ability to blog on the run, and am going to use it.
As for me, I'm just a father of four practicing law in the big city (Dallas, TX, to be exact). I've been married for ten years (I have NO IDEA how I've managed to pull that off), am generally conservative, and trying to stretch too little time into too many things (just like everyone else). Anyway, I hope you enjoy these missives.
Comments are turned off right now due to problems with Blogspot. I hope to resolve that soon, and am searching for a new blogging engine (can I use movable type on blogspot?) to try some format changes (particularly in regards to quotes -- I would like to be able to put a border around quotes to make them easier to distinguish from commentary). I will also be updating the Bloglinks soon.
Anyway, welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy the local fare.