Saturday, July 24, 2004
On vacation next week, so posting may be slow or non-existent. My wife and I are celebrating our tenth anniversary and taking a trip to San Antonio. Later in the week, we'll head up to Oklahoma to see relatives. I should be back by Tuesday, August 3 (at least, that's what I've told the boss).
Until then, here's a classic Saturday Night Live rant from the 1970's. Point/Counter-point was a news "opposing views" parody in which Jane Curtin played a reasonable, yet liberal commentator who would give a viewpoint on an issue of the day. Dan Akroyd would then give an obnoxious response that always began with the words "Jane, you ignorant slut."
This rant is in response to a lawsuit filed by Michelle Triola, actor Lee Marvin's live-in lover. They had broken up, and she was suing for a large portion of the marital estate based on a quasi-marital contract as well as maintenance payments (for what would later be called "palimony"). Jane believed this was a reasonable reaction by the law to the changing mores and customs of our times.
Without further ado, here's Dan Akroyd's response.
Dan: "Jane you ignorant slut! Bagged out, dried up slunk meat like you and Michelle Triola know the rules: if you want a contract, sign on the dotted line. Oh, but let's all shed a tear for poor Michelle Triola. There was only testimony that she had sexual intercourse over forty times with another man while living with actor Lee Marvin. But I suppose that sort of fashionable promiscuity means nothing to someone like you Jane, who hops from bed to bed with the frequency of a cheap ham radio. But, hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn, and Michelle Triola like a screaching, squealing, rapacious, swamp sow, is after actor Lee Marvin's last three million dollars. I guess what you and Michelle are saying, is that when you're on your backs, the meter's running. Well, please spare us, gals, and tell us the rates from the top. Then we can choose which two bit tarts and bargain basement sluts to shack up with."
Very un-PC, but still interesting, and amusing, as commentary on our changing mores and on the stiff formality of news reporting prior to CNN and FoxNews.
Have a good time next week.