Monday, June 21, 2004
Okay, I think I have finally figured all of this out. The Europeans don't hate us -- they're just jealous.
Why, you ask, are the Enlightened Elitists jealous of us? Lots of reasons.
First, our economy. The United States leads the world in per capita GDP. In other words, our citizens have more disposable income with which to enjoy their lives than 99% of the rest of the planet. According to a recent report commissioned by the EU, their economic outlook is, to put it lightly, grim.
If the European Union were a state in the USA it would belong to the poorest group of states. France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany have lower GDP per capita than all but four of the states in the United States. In fact, GDP per capita is lower in the vast majority of the EU-countries (EU 15) than in most of the individual American states. This puts Europeans at a level of prosperity on par with states such as Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia. Only the miniscule country of Luxembourg has higher per capita GDP than the average state in the USA. The results of the new study represent a grave critique of European economic policy.
So, for the average American, unless you live in Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas or Montana, your standard of living is higher than your average European. Your home is larger too -- the average European home has about 976.5 square feet while the average American home has 1875 square feet.
We also have the lowest tax burden -- but that, of course, is probably just a coincidence, right?
Second, our power. The United States of America is not obligated to kowtow to half-a-dozen other countries in setting it's foreign policy. While French ministers scream of American 'hyperpuissance' and various European leftists decry the United States as the most dangerous threat to world peace (click the button to see results), we get on with doing the things we need to do to maintain peace in the Balkans. While Bulgarian communists rail against a Vast Anglo-American Domination Conspiracy and Kim Jong Il announces that America is not qualified to address human rights issues, the United States is free to do what it thinks NEEDS to be done to ensure it's security and to stabilize turbulent areas of the world.
The Europeans had their chance to take the helm of Western Civilization. For over a thousand years, they had the military and economic power to expand enlightenment. They had the philosophical basis for bringing light to dark areas of the world. They chose to destroy themselves in internecine struggles instead. Is anyone really surprised that they have fallen into the realm of second-tier countries?
Third, they hate our freedom. In the United States, freedom of political speech is all but absolute. Neo-Nazis, Communists, Democrats, Socialists, Islamo-fascists, Klansmen, Black Panthers, the NAACP, the Republicans, and all other groups are free to express their political opinion in the marketplace of ideas. America is the great young adult, willing to explore new ideas and concepts, to debate and decide issues of the day according to various philosophies. Europe, on the other hand, seems to be in rehab, fighting a millenia of addiction to absolutism and hatred. Why else would so many European countries bar "hate speech" (as defined by the government) or certain political parties?
Fourth, they have contempt for Americans as a religious peoples. Despite the negative image religion gets in the popular media culture, Americans have a strong tradition of religious faith. Witness recent polls showing over 85% of Americans favored leaving the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance (undoubtedly a factor in the Supreme Court's decision to punt the Newdow case). A majority of Americans attend church at least once per month. The strongest (largest) church association in the United States is the conservative Southern Baptist Convention.
Europe, on the other hand, is dying insofar as Christianity is concerned. Church attendance is down; a majority of residents claim to be agnostic or atheist; and those churches that remain have vastly different theologies than their American cousins. They tend to be very liberal on social issues even where there is no biblical support for the position (such as female priests, gays in the pulpit, etc.). Lacking strong ties to their foundation and traditions, membership is declining dramatically.
So what does this mean -- the Death of the West (in Europe, at least)?
I must confess I am not sure. I would hope that Europe would awaken from it's lethargic slumber and retake it's position as a cultural and civic leader in world affairs. My fear is that the awakening will only come at a terrible cost in lives and human misery.