Tuesday, March 02, 2004
So John Kerry is the Donk nominee?
That's fine. In fact, it is better than fine. It's great. A Massachusetts liberal whose sole claims to fame are a silver star in Vietnam (followed by a quick exit from said area nine months ahead of schedule and a hatefest in D.C. upon the troops he left behind) and an affinity for rich widows.
Yeah, we'll take it.
His VP choice will be interesting. Some are saying it will be John Edwards, but I can't understand that pick. Edwards didn't pull significant support in the South, so why would Kerry choose him as a running mate? I suspect Kerry will choose someone from a battleground state, such as Missouri, Florida, Michigan, or Pennsylvania. The most likely choices from those states are Gebhardt or Graham. More on this later.
In other news, try this Nation-Sim for a big waste of time. Look for the Republic of MrSpkr in the BattleFront region.
Later -- I have an important political issue to decide.