Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Understatement of the year award:
Yahoo! News - Pitcher Seeks Forgiveness for Porn Tape
No kidding. I was damned hungry at times in college (I can remember occasionally surviving on rice with my choice of ketchup or mustard while awaiting my next paycheck), and I never even considered something as stupid as this.
Sorry -- this is not something that should just be swept under the rug and conveniently forgotten because he is a skilled pitcher. Do I think he should be banned from baseball? No, I don't think so. I do think, however, it is ludicrous to assert that his teammates (the current ones, not the ones with whom he made movies a few years ago) haven't changed their opinion of him or that after his confession, "nobody thought anything more of it."
Sorry, but this guy will be under a microscope -- and he will be the target of particularly fierce ridicule from opposing fans. It may also be an underlying cause of some divisiveness in the team (rightly or wrongly).
It WILL have an impact on the team.
And yes -- I would be saying the same if he had been in a heterosexual porn film. Porn is porn, and it is all equally trashy.