Wednesday, December 24, 2003
My son just asked me if I believe in Santa Clause. I immediately told him I did. . . he is seven, and I am not sure why he is asking the question.
I mention this because it reminds me of a post I saw last month on the DU website. For those of you back in Broken Arrow, "DU" is short for "", a website frequented by hard-core lefties. These guys are diehard Dean and Kucinich supporters (for the most part), and are 99% hard Leftists.
In any event, the post was from a young mother asking whether she had done the right thing by telling her six year old that Santa Clause was not real. That shocked me. The responses were worse.
Some responses included that "one must be honest with one's children"; "Santa Clause symbolizes everything wrong with this materialist holiday", etc., etc.
Wow. I thought he was about bringing joy and happiness to young children everywhere. I thought he was a symbol of hope to man.
I guess I was wrong -- but I'm glad I told my kid that I believed.