Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Bahgdad Jim is at it again.
Now, the same guy that went to Baghdad before the war, looked around the hotel in which Saddam esconced him, took a day tour and announced that we should trust Saddam regarding inspectors and weapons of mass destruction. He has also stated that Bush lied on multiple occasions in order to get the United States into a war.
Now, Baghdad Jim says that the United States could have captured Saddam at any time, but Bush just waited so he could choose the best moment politically.
What? That ascribes almost god-like powers to Bush, and presumes that Saddam would be a willing accomplice in this play (a play, by the way, that will end in Saddam's death), and not move around the countryside.
What is it about the anti-American, anti-Bush loony Left that drives them to such extremes? Back in the Clinton administration, conservatives who thought lying under oath was an impeachable offense were pilloried; now, conservatives who call McDermott out as the loon that he is are suppressing his right to dissent. Why is it that the Left can make as many irresponsible claims regarding the United States as it wants without question, but the Right is not allowed to criticize a democratic President on substantive issues (like the perjury that ultimately cost Clinton his license to practice law)?
The scariest part of this story? Baghdad Jim is a psychiatrist.
I wonder if he has to remove his tinfoil hat before seeing a patient?