Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Amish Tech Support's Deadpool is open for entry (note the fat Grim Reaper on the sidebar):
My picks:
1. Fmr. Pres. Ronald Wilson Reagan
2. Keith Richards (Stones)
3. Audrey (Brett) Somers ("The Match Game" panelist)
4. Dorothy DeBorba (Little Rascals chick)
5. Fmr. OK Gov. and U.S. Senator Henry Bellmon
6. Ruth Buzzi
7. fmr. Pres. Gerald Ford
8. Kirk Douglas (Sr., not Jr.)
9. Billy Graham
10. Mickey Rooney
11. Robert Downey, Jr.
12. fmr. Sen. George McGovern
13. Justice John Paul Stevens
14. Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose")
15. Courtney Love
First alternate pick should any of these be unacceptable:
16. Fmr. First Lady Nancy Reagan