MrSpkr's random thoughts . . .
Friday, March 31, 2006
Didn't OJ try this one, too?
Only it works better if you are out of jail and doing it, rather than in jail on death row and letting your mom and dad cover it . . .
Thursday, March 30, 2006
As Clint Eastwood would say,
"some men just need hangin'." Meet one of those men.

Fort Worth police state that he abducted and tortured his ex-girlfriend.
Or, to be more specific, that he held her captive for 19 days, during which
he hung her by her feet from a bedroom rafter, used a blowtorch to burn her back and then poured liquid Drano over her burns.But wait, there's more. He also
He injected morphine into her neck because he said he was tired of listening to her cry. He locked her in a small trunk, then placed a dripping water hose in it - an apparent attempt to drown her.
tied her up with duct tape and hit and kicked her and struck her with a metal pipe, breaking her foot. [He] later removed the tape from her head and arms, ripping out portions of her hair in the process and causing pain and bleeding. . . . [He also] forced his ex-girlfriend to have sex on several occasions [during this period].If even a portion of this report is true, then hangin' may be too good for him.
[O]ccasionally, [he] locked the woman in a small trunk in the bedroom and [told her] that he would "get less time for murder than aggravated assault" and that she would "never see her kids again."
What a sick world.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
How will liberal multi-culti types react to this?
Apparently, the Chinese have been harvesting skin from recently-executed convicts for use in developing or producing collagen and related cosmetic products sold in Europe and the United States. A company spokesman stated that this was a common practice: "
In China it is considered very normal and I was very shocked that Western countries can make such a big fuss about this."One wonders how those who say all different cultures are equal will spin this one.
Another source of lottery numbers . . .
Cripes. This kid is luckier than a rabbit's foot wrapped in a whole necklace of four-leaf clovers.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I've been drinking buddies . . .
with the sponsor of this bill. Back in the day, of course, but J. Paul has done good. It makes me proud to see him passing such legislation.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
What in the heck is happening to our society?
The perp ought to be executed for sodomizing young children.
'Nuff said.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
While I was away . . .
the Wright Amendment debate has been heating up. DFW Airport, the City of Fort Worth and the City of Dallas are all trying to set deadlines to "resolve the debate over whether to allow long-haul flights at Love."
The answer, of course, should be an unqualified "yes." If any other compromise is reached, the same issue will rear its head in about five years.
Restraint of competition hurts everyone. Haven't we learned that by now?
N.B.: Sorry for being disjointed, but it has been a long two weeks as we get close to trial in one of my more contentious cases. Hopefully, I will return to my normal acerbic self in the near future.